From Separation To Self 

Whether it comes in an instant or over a series of lingering glances that distort themselves into an inevitable confrontation, the loss of a lover, a spouse, a domestic partner, a fiance(e), a friend who is more than a friend, among other similar relations, is a heavy and altering end

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How To Be Kind To The Earth

The earth- this planet has been the home of humans for six million years, but have we been a good guest? The answer is no, and we don’t need to look too far to see why. Melting Ice Caps, destruction of wildlife habitats, and massive waste dumps. These are some

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Just Let It Go: Life Is Short

The definition of “letting it go” is often taken incorrectly—as in not caring. Really, it is about grace even after experiencing turmoil.  Grace has many definitions and is often compared to faith and forgiveness. It is also associated with elegance and a refined kind of movement. Consider the idiom: to

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The Filthy Fingerprints of Stories: A Revealing Look

Stories have filthy fingerprints from their widespread use. They touch many areas of our lives every day. They appear so frequently because stories are indispensable to being human. Stories help define who we are. They also form a bridge between people to share the human experience. The following topics are

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man wiping mouse with tissue paper

What Is Your Body Telling You?

By Melvin Chux Sick days; no one likes them, but we all have them. While it might seem like an illness came out of the blue, the truth is, the body often warns us. For example, do you remember the extreme headaches and chills you got after a long day

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Sensational Drug Myths You Need to Know Pt. 2

Part two of the drug myths series. Myth: Drugs Lead to All Sorts Of Crime A plethora of sources will tell you drug use leads to crime. However, like most things, the situation is more nuanced than how it’s often presented.  Shima Baradaran Baughman, the Associate Dean of Faculty Research

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Melatonin: Friend or Foe?

If you’re like most people, you have encountered trouble sleeping at least a few times. A majority of the population in the U.S.A. suffers from a sleep disorder. Some folks tend to just blow it off, some self-medicate with Tylenol PM, and some try a more natural approach. What about

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Coping with Death: Resources for Survivors

When Facing the Trauma of Loss Having to face the loss of a loved one alone is nothing anyone should endure. The process of grief and period of bereavement is a complex and life-changing experience. The following is a resource to get you the help you need. You Don’t Have

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