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America’s Most Wanted: Presidents and Their Possibly Criminal Misconduct Pt. 2
Continuing from part 1 Richard Nixon: Watergate Noted Fan of Secret Recording Devices Republican, 37th President from 1969-1974, Took Part in Effort to Cover Up Watergate and Invaded Cambodia The Man: During the Cold Years, President Nixon, then a congressman, served on the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), which was

What is Electronic Banking?
As technology advances, banking and money management are evolving into electronic systems. Such benefits consumers as it is convenient, eases the cost of transactions, and saves time. Electronic banking, also known as online or virtual banking, depends on computer systems that record the transfers and ownership of funds. Electronic banking

Movie Poster Collecting: A Guide for Beginners
Everyone loves movies. A great way to collect merchandise and movie collectibles is to buy posters of your favorite films that you can frame and display in your home. For collectors of movie memorabilia, collecting original movie posters is a fun way to own a part of film history. Where

Furniture Restoration: How to Get Started
If you are retired or just want to find a fun and rewarding hobby that can make you a little money on the side, you should consider furniture restoration. What is seen as junk on the side of a street or in an alley is a treasure for some. From

America’s Most Wanted: Presidents and Their Possibly Criminal Misconduct
There has never been an American president charged with criminal misconduct. But in the wake of the small storage container worth of top-secret documents removed from Mar-a-Lago, there is a strong likelihood that future presidents can be indicted for crimes. This is a monumental achievement when you consider how many

From Separation To Self
Whether it comes in an instant or over a series of lingering glances that distort themselves into an inevitable confrontation, the loss of a lover, a spouse, a domestic partner, a fiance(e), a friend who is more than a friend, among other similar relations, is a heavy and altering end