5 Urban Legends That Turned Out to Be True

Urban legends often come with a dose of healthy skepticism–and we have had a love for telling tall tales for centuries. Sometimes, urban legends turn out to be true. Here are five stories based on facts that will move you, either under the covers or stir your heart. Cropsey Kids

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Terrorism & What it Means to You

What does terrorism mean to you, your children, your friends, and your family? It’s been twenty-one years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers, also known as the World Trade Center, near Battery Park in New York City. Many of us watched in awe as the rubble was

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Electric fan on a hot day in the city.

10 Hottest Places in the USA 2022

134.1°F—the hottest air temperature on record across the world was taken on July 10, 1913, at the appropriately named Furnace Creek Ranch, California, right in Death Valley. (Told you it was appropriately named.) Furnace Creek almost hit this record again in recent years, and cities across the USA are also

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Bleeding Rights: Why Are Women’s Rights Being Ignored?

The Case For Free Tampons By Krista Pool There’s certain questions that run through a woman’s head when it comes to bleeding uncontrollably every month and spending money to cease it. For instance why aren’t tampons a basic human right like a toilet or restroom use? Or why is there

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Sinaloa Cartel Murders: The Mexican Bloodshed

Mexico has a long history of drug cartels, and the Sinaloa cartel is one of the most notorious. Based in the northwestern state of Sinaloa, the cartel is known for its brutal violence and large-scale drug trafficking operations. Its origins can be traced to the Guadalajara cartel, one of Mexico’s

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What the Oldest Living Tree Can Teach Us About Life

While a Patagonian cypress challenges the record of “oldest living tree,” two bristlecone pines have historically held that record and have much to teach us about life.   Bristlecone Pines: Shaped by the Elements You may recognize the image of one 1,400-year-old bristlecone pine stamped on the back of some U.S.

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Levels of Education in the U.S.: A Comprehensive Guide

With the No Child Left Behind Act signed into legislation by President George W. Bush in early 2002, the education system in the United States has been turned upside down and inside out in an effort to participate in the ‘global economy.’ In the U.S., children have a right to

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