Finding Inspiration In “Melt Into Me”

By C. Cording I often insist I have writer’s block, when in fact I might just not have the inspiration to write. This happens to me more often than I’d like to admit. I can only write well when I’m exceptionally sad, incredibly inspired, or have close contact with my

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Bleeding Rights: Why Are Women’s Rights Being Ignored?

The Case For Free Tampons By Krista Pool There’s certain questions that run through a woman’s head when it comes to bleeding uncontrollably every month and spending money to cease it. For instance why aren’t tampons a basic human right like a toilet or restroom use? Or why is there

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Sponsored Stories

Each month an author from Joe’s Writers’ Club creates a new and intriguing tale for our sponsor webpages. Joe’s Writers’ Club Sponsored Stories focuses on creative, exciting adventures and heart warming tales in customized serials developed exclusively for each of our sponsors. The monthly stories are designed to be relevant

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Every writer suffers from writer's block at some point. The key is to not let it stop you from succeeding.

6 Tips to Break Through Writer’s Block

By Melvin Chux  Writing is a beautiful way to express your thoughts, present new ideas, and make money. The life of a writer revolves around creating kick-ass content for clients daily. While this sounds interesting in theory, an annoying problem tends to mess up our flow. Even if you don’t

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The Twitter #WritersLift: Good Ideas Gone Bad

If you’re an independent author, the Twitter #WritersCommunity is a vastly supportive place for authors. If you are struggling with inspiration, need advice, or would like a fellow author to talk to, this is the place for you. If it’s something specific, search that hashtag, and voila, you have precisely

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Spooky Characters: A Literary Pumpkin Carving Lineup

The Shining Finally, that spooky, chilly, and wonderful time of year has arrived! After a rather miserable summer here in the south, I am so excited for the fall weather to commence, even if it does come with allergies. The pumpkin patches are open for those who love the vibe

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How Bullet Journaling Made Me a Better Reader

Michael Wirth shares his experience with bullet journaling. One of my biggest flaws is that I’m a major procrastinator. I rarely come across a task that I can’t put off for a week or two, all the while complaining that I just don’t have the time to get to it.

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Need Writing Inspiration? Try Travelling

Movement is the greatest gift you can give to a stagnant writing mind. No magnitude of internet research can replicate the freedom and inspiration that can be obtained from stepping out into the world beyond your comfort zone. How To Make The Most of Your Vacation To Improve Your Writing

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Sample Episode – Dave Lockwood – Book Craft and Workshopping

    JUL 27, 2020 EPISODE 1 Joe’s Writers’ Club / Dave Lockwood   In this special introductory sample to Joe’s Writers’ Club Podcast we feature:   Dave Lockwood stories: Entry Level Quitting Time Phil Regular and more… Adaptive Bookcraft Section: Building a tabletop RPG Discussing Dave’s Inspiration Introducing Corporate Gothic

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Corporate Gothic

The Daily Grind Meets the Shadows in the Darkness There is a time of day when the apparitions of the light begin to give way to the entities of the night. The morning hours subside; the afternoon’s events wind down, and the evening’s gray cast threatens to pull darkness over

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