Sensational Drug Myths You Need to Know Pt. 2

Part two of the drug myths series. Myth: Drugs Lead to All Sorts Of Crime A plethora of sources will tell you drug use leads to crime. However, like most things, the situation is more nuanced than how it’s often presented.  Shima Baradaran Baughman, the Associate Dean of Faculty Research

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Sensational Drug Myths: What You Need to Know

Myth: If You Don’t Take Illicit Drugs, You Don’t “Do” Drugs If you take Tylenol for minor aches and pains, drink coffee to wake up in the morning, or have a glass of wine to relax, you do drugs. However, some people like to think that if they’re not taking

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What if the Tooth Fairy Was Real?

Imagination. What if the Tooth Fairy doesn’t come? Where does the Tooth Fairy live? What does the Tooth Fairy look like? What does the Tooth Fairy do with all those teeth? …Echoes of the endless childhood chatter every time we lost a baby tooth until we were no longer children. 

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Nutrition Myths People Still Believe

There are many nutrition myths everyone believes in. Seeing is believing and when we are exposed toideas over and over again, we believe they must be true. This is also known as the illusory truth effect.Here are a couple of successful marketing ideas that have been posing as sound nutrition

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