Your Character Wasn’t Born On Page One

A character, let’s call him Roger, is accused of committing a murder he didn’t do. Roger goes on the run, dodging the police at every turn. A chance meeting with a mysterious blond leads to a confrontation with a nest of terrorists. All is remedied by the end as we

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What’s Your Point (of View)?

By Tom Tiernan The power of your story can be enhanced or destroyed by how you present it. This presentation is the Character’s Point of View. There are three major points Of view and a host of others that are not often used. Here’s a quick rundown of these three

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Tom Tiernan

From an early age, Tom had an attraction to the fantastic. His love of movies began at an early age when he saw Disney’s 20,0000 Leagues Under the Sea. Captain Nemo opened an entire world for Tom. He was thrilled to discover that it was a book. Nemo is Tom’s favorite

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Turn Off Your Ego, Improve Your Life And Your Writing

Does Your Ego Hurt Your Writing? Have you ever been insulted? Have you ever wanted to be praised for something you’ve done? Have you ever felt horrible after a submitted story was rejected? Have you ever been disturbed about what someone has said about you? Have you ever gotten upset

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Laugh neon signage

Pass It On: Comedy. It’s A Difficult Concept.

The views expressed herein do not reflect the opinions of Joe’s Writers Club and its members. They are the views of the writer, but I’m sure that JWC would agree with me. Wink, wink. “Comedy. It’s A Difficult Concept” – Lt. Saavik, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan What makes

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