What Is Paramotoring and How Do you Get Started?

Paramotoring is a form of ultralight aviation. It is popular with amateurs and enthusiasts who like to take risks. It is considered an extreme sport. It involves the use of a parachute and mechanical propulsion to create lift. There are two types of paramotoring: Foot-Launch and Wheel-Launch.

Paramotoring: It’s origins

Paramotoring roots begin with the invention of the silk parachute in 1793 by Jean Pierre Blanchard. Nearly two-hundred years later in 1964, Domina Jalbert developed what he called a Ram-Air ParaFoil, which slowed down the rate of descent for parachuting. Moving forward to 1980 Mike Burne invents the first gas-powered “paramotor” that creates an engine-powered lift that employs a harness to hold its passenger in place. Later, in 1994 the American Paragliding Association is founded by Fred and Claudia Stockwell.

Paramotoring: The Sport

Paramotoring is an ultralight foot-launched air sport. It is an extreme sport and is popular with thrill seekers and ultra-light aviators. Minimal equipment doesn’t mean cheap, however, and you will want to look around and price accordingly.

  • Do you need a pilot’s license? No. You do, however, need to take lessons. The reason for this is to ensure the safety of you and those around you.
  • When and where can you paramotor? You can launch in most open fields and places where a flat terrain will provide a sizable launch and landing sight.
  • Can you fly at night? No.

Paramotoring: The Equipment and Costs

Paramotoring is not only an extreme sport but can be a costly one. Before purchasing any equipment, it is recommended you sign up for lessons. A necessary set-up is included in the cost of the lessons.  You can spend up to 14,000 US dollars. It is recommended that you don’t purchase used equipment. Invest the bulk of your money in the engine, harness, and parachute. This cost will increase if you buy a wheel launch system. Talk to your instructor to give you a breakdown of costs.


Safety Considerations

Most of the best tips on safety will come from your instructor, but you may find the following worth your time. Flying low is more dangerous than flying high in some cases. The reason for this is that there are more things on the ground than in the air! Before you strap in, you will want to check your local weather report and do a  pre-flight checklist. In addition, be sure to talk with locals. Some people may want to have a word with you before you do flyovers. Although fatalities are rare, they can happen. Learn about the statistics before you take off.

Some Final Tips for Beginning Your Paramotoring Adventure

Now that you have done the research, and bought the gear, consider competitive competitions and joining paramotoring associations. There are many online communities to take part in as part of the culture of paramotoring. With the right start, you can be sure to get the most of your adventure and build a lifetime of memories.

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