You have only a short time to write. You’re far from home so you can’t go to your usual Starbucks. And unfortunately, you have to write today, because the rest of your week is taken up by family plans, work-related things, and a doctors appointment. There’s a coffee shop around the corner that you’ve never been to before. You feel a flash of anxiety at the thought of writing in a new place. How do you calm yourself down to write when, by the time you get settled in, it will be time to go?
Something I’ve learned in the past few years is how to overcome negative feelings and writing when it was uncomfortable to write. Sometimes dealing with the crowd and the noise of a new place can distract you from your goal. So, how do you settle down to write with all these anxieties?
Breathing Exercises
When you feel anxious, trying focus on your breathing. Certain breathing exercises can help center yourself and help you not to feel as anxious. That feeling of centeredness can help you to focus your emotions, and as a result, your writing.
Listen to Relaxing Music
They say music soothes the savage beast, and often listening to music can help your writing mood. As a bonus, it can also spark the muse and improve your writing. Some relaxing music can settle your mind, allowing you to block out the distractions around you, and let you concentrate on your writing.
Don’t Force Yourself
In other words, relax. Sometimes this is easier said than done, especially in a particularly strong bout of anxiety. But when we relax, our flow state comes much more naturally, and the stress just melts away.
If you’re unable to relax, then maybe it’s just your body telling you it doesn’t want to write right now. Maybe now is a good time to journal. Use that chance to get your emotions out onto paper instead of letting them eat away in your head. Who knows, maybe it will create a brainstorm for your next project.
When you are stressed out in an uncomfortable place you may not write well. That’s no reason to panic! If you get stressed, try talking it out. There are plenty of people in your life you can open up to about your problems; even some of the folks at Joe’s Writers’ Club would be happy to lend an ear. Come check it out! We share some information that may help you feel relaxed and overcome your writing fears. It is up to you to do it and follow through. Joe’s Writers’ Club has been very supportive of my writing and has helped me gain my confidence. They will be supportive of your endeavors, too.
Bottom line, writing is not supposed to be stressful. However, sometimes it can be. So the best thing to do is take it easy and relax. Using some of these skills will help you ease into writing.