By Melvin Chux

Writing is a beautiful way to express your thoughts, present new ideas, and make money. The life of a writer revolves around creating kick-ass content for clients daily. While this sounds interesting in theory, an annoying problem tends to mess up our flow. Even if you don’t know the name of this problem, you’ve most likely experienced it. We are talking about writer’s block.
What is Writer’s block?
Writer’s block, as it is so conveniently named, is a condition in which an otherwise experienced writer is incapable of producing written content.
People with this problem have no challenge playing video games, watching movies, and performing other tasks that tickle one’s imagination. The challenge starts when they pick up a pen to write anything down; it feels like there is no creative juice in their tank. Thankfully, this problem is not as serious as you might think, and with a bit of help, you’d soon be on your way to creating quality content. You can start by;
Gain More Knowledge
It’s common to take on more than you can chew in the writing industry. The promise of attractive pay would easily have most people convincing themselves they can learn on the job. Even when they know their knowledge is sparse on the topic at hand.
The human brain isn’t connected to the internet like your iPhone. When there is no knowledge about a specific topic, the mind may not know what to write or where to begin. Think about your favorite subjects, maybe a game or an outdoor activity. When have you ever found it hard to talk about them?
Writing about it won’t be a challenge when you’re an expert on a subject. If you keep hitting a brick wall, why not take a step back and perform extensive research? You’d feel more confident the next time you pick up a pen.
Take a Break
The brain is like any muscle in your body. After intensive use, it gets sluggish. We know you’re a disciplined professional who completes any task they set out to do. However, using an already tired mind would do you no good. Even if you finish the write-up, most likely, it’ll be uninspired and poorly done.
Give your mind time to recover, take a few hours off, or even a few days; whatever works. But do not pick up your pen until you feel very relaxed. When your fingers are no longer cramped, and you’ve stopped seeing words when you close your eyes, you can get back to writing.
Is Your Environment the Problem?
Our environment plays a vital role in every area of our lives. In our formative years, it is responsible for our mannerisms, culture, and diction. As we get older, it becomes even more critical.
The daily work hours of the average person is 8 hours. When you factor in the time it takes to commute to work and break for lunch, you spend an awful lot of time working. Considering this, it only makes sense that your environment should be one that suits you.
Everyone has their own idea of a “good working environment.” Some people do not have a problem with loud noises when working, while others can’t stand them. Ask yourself, how does my work environment make me feel? If your mind is all over the place at work, it’s a good sign you might want to change your environment.
Also, consider the furniture and tools you have at your workplace. Are they ergonomic for long periods of sitting? As a multi-tasker, do you have a second screen? You’d be surprised how much these little things influence your overall work life.
Read Books
As a writer, the mind is your greatest asset; reading is the best way to upgrade your mind. We’re not talking about the project-specific research you perform before a task. Instead, it opens your mind to the abundance of information.
Look at how established writers articulate their content, and stop focusing on your field alone. Enter the unknown. You’d feel a lot better at the end. Any writer worth their salt would notice a stark difference in their performance as a beginner and where they are now. That growth is a result of increasing what they know.
A well-equipped mind is the best ally you need to produce quality content.
Stick To a Deadline
When you want to finish a task, setting a loose deadline is the worst. Automatically, you enter a state of unproductiveness. After all, if you still have a week left, what’s the rush? Time runs fast, and you’d be doing yourself no favors if you chose to work without constraints.
Try this approach instead. At the start of every article or task, estimate how much time you’d like to spend doing it. Remember to account for work breaks, but most importantly, stick to this deadline. If you give yourself a day, set out to complete the task as if your life depends on it. This approach accomplishes a couple of things.
First, your mind would be “battle ready” as you’ve already conditioned yourself to complete the task in a given period. Secondly, it will be easier to say no to distractions knowing you don’t have all day.
Create a Rough Draft
If you’re getting stuck with a write-up, you might be trying to create perfection in one go. Why not start with a rough draft? Write out the significant points you wish to cover and minor notes for each item.
By the time you’re done and give it a second read, you’d figure out other points you might have forgotten. With a rough draft in hand, you’d find it easier to create the masterpiece you’ve always wanted.