8: Have you checked narrative Continuity?
What is narrative Continuity?
Narrative Continuity is the coherency of forms or concepts in the narrative flow. As the project is completed many updates will be registered and accounted for, and this should be done through an outlining process so that such data is organized and always at hand.
Just as a character would, an author must reckon all that has happened to them and network conscious mind to unconscious mind in order to sort out the details. A creative obsessor is always in a twilight awareness between their adaptive life and their creative obsession, doing their daily tasks with half their conscious processes engaged in the muse at hand. So an outline of muse flashes is the surest way to discover each narrative step because by such is the tale told and creative satisfaction gained by the writer.
Photo by Simon Moog on Unsplash |
Muse Flash Outline / Journal 1: Example
Original inspiration – That material written by another author which fascinates and motivates creativity.
Muse Flash 1 – The first blink into unconscious creativity, being the primary interface that establishes the networking of minds, in this case, conscious and unconscious.
Muse Flash 2 – The second blink into unconscious creativity leads to the next stage of mind networking, where the awareness of the author connects to the awareness of a character. Through this contemplation, the very essence of creative obsession depending on duration and output, the situation and circumstances of the narrative are shared, and by this the conscious/unconscious minds of both are networked. So the character “comes to life” by the way its author, and eventually, its audience, are able to realize them. Places, people, concepts wait to be actualized by way of such mental networking when plugged into a Creative Workshop, where a whole room of Creative Obsessors might network collectively.
Muse Flash 3 – By this point the cycles of muse suggest a broader narrative, proposing places that the main thread might follow into a situation brought on by circumstances beyond the main character’s control. The attempt to gain control or at least reorient any disjointed lifestyles that change or crisis have brutalized.
Muse Flash 4 – So on and so forth, the unconscious continuously sends muse flashes, and if a creator gets out of their own way they might see some words on pages. A creative obsessor looks at life as a bubble of temporality which timelessness tries to penetrate, therefore any temporal (calendrical or adaptive) concerns must be completed so that nothing may distract the creative process.
The time between these flashes varies between creative types, but the more you practice/use these faculties, the more they should develop. To break block or stimulate the muse if she’s shy, utilize the following model of outlines.
Muse Flash Outline / Journal 1 is an after the fact model, seeking to outline the existent muse flashes as they have occurred, and thereby an unconscious chronology of mind networking.
Photo by Maria P on Unsplash |
Muse Flash Outline / Journal 2: Suggestion
Original inspiration – Convey favorite authors, favorite works, favorite scenes.
Mush Flash 1 – Check origins of main character
Muse Flash 2 – Check thinking of main character
Muse Flash 3 – Workshop feelings of main character
Muse Flash 4 – Workshop deeds of a conflicted main character
Muse Flash 5 – Simulate a conversation about the main character’s reputation
Muse Flash 6 – Simulate public conscienceless of a conceptual legacy
Muse Flash Outline / Journal 2 are the kinds of outlines based less on creative obsession and more on the networking of minds. Adaptive networks outline the conscious exploration of concepts, and any muse flashes that occur arise from meditation on already known conditions in the project, or the muse flashes of others during that conscious to unconscious network.
Muse Flash Outline / Journal 3: Suggestion
Original inspiration – Convey favorite concepts from scenes/settings you admire.
Muse Flash 1 – Nicknames = familiarity and so a sense of time spent together as if the reader has grown up with them as a distant relative.
Muse Flash 2 – Industrial terminology = at least three names for everything, commercial, scientific, industrial.
Muse Flash 3 – Goals, dreams, wishes, aspirations, so that we have pieces of the characters/concepts deep philosophy, and heart space.
Muse Flash Outline / Journal 3 is an outline that seeks to define familiarity or intimacy, and so draws readers into concepts, providing a personal closeness that helps to network minds and swap awarenesses. Interspersing such concepts within an outline structure to then be worked into a text helps to thicken the narrative stew.
Narrative Continuity is of vast importance, and of such a priority to the text that it cannot be overstated. An Author must be absolutely certain that dump shock (counter immersion) due to discontinuity does not corrupt the narrative, and so ruin the muse, mood, and moment of creativity’s obsession. This must be avoided at all costs.