Richard Andrew Olkusz, “Ricky” to his friends and family, is on a life mission – to perfect his words and bring poetic dimension to a secondary world. The diverse experiences that accompanied his eighteen-year surveying career profoundly shaped his life. The daily measuring of real estate and construction properties fueled his love of poetic description, humorous anecdotes, spiritualism, and paranormal investigation. Ricky and his business partner, Dave, ran Olkwood publishing since 2007, where they developed rules for a tabletop R.P.G. and created Afternity. Ricky works from home drafting maps using AutoCAD, he continues to write novels, poetry, and short stories, which have yielded nearly a million words of fiction overall. Ricky supports the pursuit of creative obsessions by hosting Joe’s Writers Club Podcast, an affiliation of Joe’s Writers Club, LLC, and by contributing his fictional works to its Corporate Gothic anthology, a selection of short stories set in haunted work spaces.