white and black quote board on green plants

Pass It On: Some Positive Quotes for Writers

Writing is an intense and rewarding solo effort, as much as musical composition or painting is. There are no partners or helpers in any of these arts, nor can there ever be. The creation of music, painting or a story can only come from a single hand. Just as Gershwin

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girl in white shirt standing beside girl in yellow dress

Pen and Scalpel: How I Create My Characters.

I sometimes look at my mind as a warehouse that has been passed through a blender. Can you picture that? Neither can I, but that’s what I see. I have seen so many films and television shows and have read so many books that my mind has split into two

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Image: Dark background under a bridge with a bad guy wearing a scary mask with arms folded.

Pen and Scalpel: The Stranger: A Study in Evil

If you write Fiction, sooner or later you’ll need a villain. Call him an Antagonist or just a bad guy, and they need to be well-composed. Let’s face it, the goons that invaded Nakatomi Plaza would have lasted an hour at most of it wasn’t for Hans Gruber leading them.

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Image: Dark woodlined path through a forest with the faint outline of a human-looking monster in the mist.

Pen and Scalpel: What Is A Monster?

Why Monsters? For the past three years, I have been writing stories about monsters of all sorts. My take on them, I hope, is to create creatures that no one has ever seen or a twist on a familiar beastie that creates new connotations for its existence. What do you

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Meet the Authors

Richard Andrew Olkusz Richard Andrew Olkusz, “Ricky” to his friends and family, is on a life mission – to perfect his words and bring poetic dimension to a secondary world. The diverse experiences that accompanied his eighteen-year surveying career profoundly shaped his life. The daily measuring of real estate and

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